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    Report an Absence

    If your child is going to be absent, notify the school by:

    1. SchoolMessenger Attendance Reporting System
    2. Call the toll free number: 1-844-305-3756
    3. Report the absence through our smartphone mobile application:


    Kindergarten Registration opens Monday, January 12, 2024!! 

    Click the here to start the registration process! 

    If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Axford at buffy.axford@tvdsb.ca


    Sign in to the Online Payment system if you are already a registered user.

    Parents/guardians can now pay for items such as field trips, uniforms, year books, tickets, and so much more, online! Our site is simple, safe and secure!
    - Anytime, anywhere, online access

    Payment Options include:

    • Debit Payment (note: CIBC and Simplii Financial Debit cards do not work online)
    • Interac© / Visa© / MasterCard©

    In addition to these step-by-step instructions you will find extensive online support through the Cash Online Website, but questions specific to Thames Valley can be directed to our School Cash Online Parent Help Desk: 519-452-2000 extension 20345.

    Do you need assistance finding your child's student number? 

    1. Get student number directly from your Parent Portal 
    2. Get it emailed to you